Colonic stasis and chronic constipation.


eMediNexus    04 November 2017

A new study published in The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine assessed polyp presence in the setting of colonic stasis in veterans with spinal cord injury SCI . This retrospective cohort study included 325 patients at the James A. Haley Veterans Affairs Hospital with SCI and neurogenic bowel who completed screening colonoscopy between January 1 2004 and June 30 2013. 96 of these patients were males and their average age at screening colonoscopy was 62.8 years. It was found that 41.5 of patients had injury to the cervical spine. Colon polyps were detected in 40 of these patients while adenomatous change was seen in 73 of patients. Furthermore the adenoma detection rate ADR was 29.2 . Moreover polyp presence and ADR demonstrated no statistically significant correlation with level degree or duration of SCI. On the other hand patient s age at time of screening colonoscopy had a significant correlation with polyp and adenoma presence. Thus it was concluded that SCI has no statistically significant correlation with polyp or adenoma presence.1 Reference 1. Colizzo J Keshishian J Kumar A Vidyarthi G Amodeo D. Colonic stasis and chronic constipation Demystifying proposed risk factors for colon polyp formation in a spinal cord injury veteran population. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2017 1 6. doi 10.1080 10790268.2017.1388602.

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